Can I Use Antibacterial Soap on My Piercing

Getting your own piercings is generally safe and easy. A new piercing can be done safely, but it is an open wound and requires good hygiene.

Antibacterial Soap on My Piercing

It is generally not recommended to use antibacterial soap on a piercing because it can be too harsh and may disrupt the natural healing process.

Piercings need a certain amount of bacteria to heal properly, and using antibacterial soap may strip the area of its natural bacteria, which can cause irritation and delay the healing process.

Instead, it is recommended to clean piercings with a saline solution or a mild, fragrance-free soap specifically designed for piercings.

These types of solutions can help keep the area clean and free of harmful bacteria while still allowing the natural healing process to occur.

It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer and to avoid touching or playing with your piercing to prevent infection.

If you experience any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, it is important to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional. Read for, green soap for tattooing

can i use antibacterial soap on my piercing

Should I wash my piercing with soap?

Yes, You should wash the piercing with soap. Because it eliminates bacteria and germs from the piercing. Clean the piercing with a fragrance-free antimicrobial soap once or twice a day. Antibacterial or antimicrobial soap is best for washing the piercing.

Can soap infect a piercing?

No, Soap can not infect a piercing. Even though your hands appear clean, bacteria can still be in your hands and spread to your piercing. This could cause irritation or infection. Most bacteria can be removed by washing your hands with antibacterial soap and warm running water.

Can I use antibacterial soap on my piercing?

Yes, You can use antibacterial soap on your piercing. It is totally safe to use on your piercing. When antibacterial soap is used on the piercing with warm water, it destroys bacteria, dust, and germs. You can easily mix it and apply it with cotton to the piercing.

Can I use antibacterial soap on my nose piercing?

Yes, It is possible to use antibacterial soap on your nose. But use 50% antibacterial soap and 50% warm water on your nose piercing. Nose piercing is too hard and painful, So, use it carefully.

Can I use antibacterial soap on my belly button piercing?

Yes, Definitely you can use antibacterial soap on your belly button piercing. But use warm water with antibacterial soap to clean the belly button piercing. It is safe to use on the piercing. You can apply it using cotton.

Can I use antibacterial soap on my nipple piercing?

It is possible, You can use antibacterial soap on your nipple piercing. Use it to mix with warm water and avoid scented soap or perfume products for use on the piercing.

Can I use antibacterial soap on my septum piercing?

Definitely, You can use antibacterial soap for septum piercing. Make sure to use the best antibacterial soap available and warm water when piercing. You should wash your hands well and then dry your soapy skin with a soft towel. You should never use the same cotton swab on two sides to prevent the spreading of germs and bacteria.

Is Dove soap good for piercings?

No, Dove soap is not good or suitable for piercings. Because Dove is moisturizing soap. Any type of moisturizing soap is not safe for piercings.

What Is the Infection in Piercings?

A piercing that has been infected may appear red, swollen, or itchy. Sometimes, the piercing may ooze blood or yellow, green, or white pus.

Millions of people have their ears, noses, and other body parts pierced. Most of these procedures are not dangerous. 

For new piercings, mild irritation and infections can be expected. Most infections don’t cause any serious complications and resolve quickly.

A new piercing can leave an open wound that takes several weeks to heal completely. Any bacteria or germs that get into the wound during this time can cause infection.

Instructions for Cleaning Piercings

Below are some important information and precautions to keep piercings safe and clean.

  • Before touching or cleaning your piercing, wash your hands well.
  • Use mild soap to clean your piercings at least once per day.
  • Use a small amount of soap to lather your skin.
  • For any reason, do not twist, spin, or rotate your jewelry.
  • You can use your regular body and face wash wherever else you like.
  • Rinse thoroughly to get rid of any soap residue from the piercing.
  • Avoid allowing soap or body washes to get in or onto your piercings. Be sure to thoroughly clean out soap.
  • After cleaning, dry the piercings with a non-woven gauze or paper towel.
  • To avoid trauma, you should gently pat. Reusable towels can harbor bacteria and cause damage to your healing piercing.
  • It is recommended that you wash your piercings after any activity, such as working out, swimming, or working with animals.
  • Unwanted lint residue can be left behind by-products such as cotton balls, swabs, and tissues.
  • To remove any debris or dust that may have formed around your piercings, use a high-quality Wound Washer at least three times per day.
  • Only use Wound Washer according to the doctor’s instructions.

What Not to Do for a Piercing?

The following remedies should not be used for piercing. These remedies can cause pain and infection, so don’t follow anyone’s advice.

  • Avoid touching or playing with jewelry.
  • Avoid any contact with the mouth, rough play, or exposure to bodily fluids during treatment.
  • Use no beauty or personal care products around the piercings. These products include lotions, cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Avoid piercings that are too dirty. This could dry out the skin and cause scarring.
  • Do not submerge the piercing. It covers all water bodies, including rivers, lakes, pools, hot tubs and water parks.
  • To protect the piercing from water, you can use a Tegaderm waterproof bandage.
  • Keep charms and other objects away from the piercing until it has healed completely.

What Not to Use on the Piercing?

You should avoid using the following harsh chemical products on the piercing.

  • Bactine
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Tea tree oil
  • Rubbing Alchohol
  • Neosporin
  • Iodine
  • Hibiclens
  • Other ointments


Knowing how you should protect your piercing is very important. You may be able to treat a mild infection with over-the-counter remedies. You can wash your piercing using antibacterial soap. More serious infections may require you to seek medical attention.

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